What You Can Do

While we do have several Mountainbrook-facilitated programs available to participate in during the SENT 2012 season, there are an infinite number of ways you and your family can participate from home! Get creative, and let us know how you're choosing to serve. Here are a few ways members have lived out SENT in the past:

Missional Yard sale
One of our small groups in Los Osos held a yard sale last year that raised enough funds for 7 Biosand filters! Amazing! If you or your small group would like to host a yard sale to help our friends in Zambia please contact Bobby at bobby.delancellotti@mountainbrook.net

"Thirsty Bracelets"
These bracelets are made by Mb member Melissa Godsey, and are sold through her Etsy shop. After seeing some of her Sunday School students set up their own Lemonade stands for SENT 2011, Melissa felt challenged to come up with a way to raise money for BioSand filters. With a toddler and a tight schedule, she knew she'd have to do something in the evening hours, after her kiddo went to sleep, and jewelry making seemed like a perfect fit. Melissa would be happy to teach anyone how to replicate her design, or teach you the skills to design your own. Or if you are already into jewelry making, crafting or sewing, Melissa would be happy to sit down and help you set up your own Etsy shop, make a video to promote your project, or assist you with any social networking needs to you might have in promoting your project. You can reach Melissa via email at mgodsey@mountainbrook.net

Bake sales: Mb Kids members Ryan and Thomas raised $85 for a BioSand filter with their lemonade and cookie stand!

Lemon:Aid (via blood:water mission)
Build a stand in your community to quench the thirst of someone in your neighborhood, as well as someone half-way around the world! Then, donate the profits from your Lemon:Aid stand to Blood:Water Mission and provide your friends in Africa with clean, safe water. blood:water mission's site has Lemon:Aid kits available, or you can DIY it!

Community Gatherings: There are so many ways to gather in community in support of raising money for BioSand filters, from movie-nights, to barbecues, to silent auctions, to an "ice-cream bar" on a hot day. The sky's the limit, and the more creative you event is, the better.

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