
2 or More Groups
Dig deep this summer during Sent 2012. "2 or More" Groups include you, Jesus, at least one other person and one of our suggested books for Sent 2012. Meet at the beach, a coffee shop, on top of Bishop's Peak. It's completely up to you! So pick up a book in the foyer any Sunday during Sent 2012, grab a friend and get started. Further Suggestions are inserted in the front of every book. Our Sent 2012 books are "Not For Sale," "The Hole in Our Gospel," and "Barefoot Church," and you can find a little more information about each book below.  All three books will be a great complement to the Sunday teaching during Sent 2012.

Not For Sale by David Batstone
Human trafficking generates $32 billion annually and enslaves over 30 million people, half of them children. Award-winning journalist David Batstone, whom Bono calls "a heroic character," profiles the new generation of abolitionists who are leading the movement. This groundbreaking global report is now updated with the latest findings, new stories, and statistics that highlight what is being done to end this appalling epidemic—and how you can join the movement.

Barefoot Church By Brandon Hatmaker
People are hungry to make a difference in their community, yet most don't know where to start. In fact, 'serving the least' is often one of the most neglected biblical mandates in the church. Barefoot Church shows readers how today's church can be a catalyst for individual, collective, and social renewal in any context. Whether pastors or laypeople, readers will discover practical ideas that end up being as much about the Gospel and personal transformation as they are about serving the poor. Here they will see how the organizational structure of the church can be created or redesigned for mission in any context. Drawing from his own journey, Brandon Hatmaker proves to readers that serving the least is not a trendy act of benevolence but a lifestyle of authentic community and spiritual transformation. As Hatmaker writes, 'My hope is that God would open our eyes more and more to the needs of our community. And that we would see it as the church's responsibility to lead the charge.

The Hole In Our Gospel by Richard E. Stearns
This is a story of how a CEO faced his own struggle to obey God, whatever the cost, and his passionate call for Christians to change the world by actively living out their faith. Believing that the “good news” is more than a private transaction between God and us, Stearns challenges readers with this question: What does God expect of us? Two thousand years ago, twelve people changed the world. Stearns believes it can happen again.

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