
A group from Mountainbrook is headed to Vicente Guerrero Mexico on August 12th-18th. This team will be doing the following on their week long trip: spending time with children and elderly, visting migrant camps and drug rehab centers and building a home for a family in need. The team could use your support in three different ways. Most imporant is prayer support. Please lift up our teams health and safety on the trip. Please pray also for ease and patience with the language difference. We greatly appreciate your prayers. Another way we can use your support is financially. If you would like to make a financial donation towards the trip and or building project please contact Jamie Neutill at And lastly we could use your support with a few donations of items that the organizations we support are in need of, if you are able to pick up any of these items please bring them to the Mexico Table on July 22nd: peanut butter and jelly, ground coffee, creamer, sugar, powdered milk. Thank You in advance for your support!

Mozambique Team

This summer Janet Norem and Andrea Ruvalcaba will be part of a team reaching out to the Yao tribe in rural Mozambique. This trip will be from June 24th through August 24th. They are ongoing students of Yao language and culture, and use a community development approach that affects change by training trainers, who in turn teach others. Much of their time is spent living life and hanging out with their Yao friends. You can follow their adventures on the team blog as well as Janet’s blog.

Zambia Team
The Zambia team will be living and working at the Seeds of Hope base in Ndola, Zambia from June 28th-July 17th. Their trip will focus on helping with the BioSand Water Filter construction and distribution, in order to bring clean water to households throughout the area. They will also be assisting with the development of the newly launched Agriculture training program, training unemployed workers to grow their own food for consumption and sale. By bringing clean water and job skills to the poor in Zambia, they will be assisting Zambians to step out of poverty and onto a road to self sufficiency. It's our hope that those who have received help and training, will in turn help out their own neighbors.  The Zambia team is excited about the opportunity to serve others in the name of Jesus. They've asked us to please pray for the following: for Godly wisdom as they seek to help others in a culturally relevant way, for opportunities and openness to share the gospel in words and actions, and for the safety/health of the team.

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